4 November 2014

Rise of the Mont Order: a Timeline

. @hjbentham. @HarryDanilevics. #MontOrder. #antistatism.

The Mont Order, a collaborative club of writers and groups continuing the tradition of the mysterious religious sect of the same name, is gaining influence and expanding the list of public names associated with its work. Here is a timeline of the Order's expansion so far in 2014, which will be updated as new information emerges.

20 November 2014

The Mont Order has praised and endorsed the transhumanist occultist Dirk Bruere's techno-religious belief system known as The Praxis. Extent of this collaboration has not yet been disclosed.

7 November 2014

The Mont Order is added, alongside ClubOfINFO, to the list of 'Supporting Organizations' of the influential techno-radical Wave Chronicle publication.

28 October 2014

Blogger and human catalyst Harry Danilevics accepts an invitation to join the Mont Order club, placing him alongside the WAVE institute, L'Ordre and Japanese spiritual blogger Mitsuki Matsuo as one of the Order's associates.

5 September 2014

ClubOfINFO reports on the new connection between the Mont Order and the WAVE institute.

4 September 2014

In a blog post, the WAVE institute confirms its collaborative connection with the Mont Order club and its support for the club.

25 August 2014

A statement is released via Dissident Voice announcing the newly negotiated connection between the WAVE institute's Zero State activists and the Mont Order.

12 August 2014

ClubOfINFO reports on the Mont Order conspiracy theory and satire surrounding it.

9 August 2014

L'Ordre blog at Beliefnet makes a post offering resources on the Mont Order and establishing the Mont Order page at Beliefnet.

29 June 2014

First statement responding to misconceptions about the Mont Order and explaining the origins of the Order is published through Dissident Voice.

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