24 April 2015

The Mont Order's latest evolution

The Blog

The Mont Order, once thought of as a group described only in urban legend, seeks to turn its newest iteration towards a more public and collective form.

The prototype of a new blog that may be collectively controlled by the Mont Order's associates is in the works, on the condition that it obtains some guarantee of participation. Simply titled The Mont Order, a version of the new website is already public via Blogger at lordredelamontagne.blogspot.co.uk. Meanwhile, a recruitment drive to bring a new wave of around fifty new advisers into the Order's lists is ongoing.
If sufficient approval is gained, the new blog may be elevated to be based at the domain name lordre.net (currently the Fox-owned L'Ordre blog of Harry J. Bentham), to serve as the Mont Order's first official website. However, there is also emphasis on a "distributed" form for the Mont Order's online presence.

Such a revision might serve to decrease any potential vulnerabilities such a catastrophic loss of data, hacking, takeover by an authoritarian personality, or other potential threats to the club's dissident purposes. In a post at the L'Ordre blog, the blog's own perceived centrality to the Mont Order is disavowed. Other blogs are encouraged to take up their own role as parts of the Mont Order's online presence or perceived infrastructure, deliberately breaking up the Mont Order's presence to extend its influence:
The similarity between this blog’s name, L’Ordre, and the name of the Mont Order, is purely a coincidence. I had no intention for this blog to be a central part of some kind of “infrastructure” of the Mont Order on the web. If we are to have any online infrastructure, it should be horizontal, distributed in form, with components at all members’ own blogs, social media accounts and websites. I believe control over the fate of this club should not be invested in an individual. The Wave Chronicle‘s own pages express this idea exactly, as Mike created a space dedicated to Mont Order resources at the Wave Chronicle. I am not asking for all our bloggers to make the same commitment (indeed it would look confusing if we all competed to offer the permier resources on the Mont Order), but to at least mention the Mont Order at members’ blogs is useful at contributing to our online infrastructure. 
Read more: http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/lordre/2015/04/lordre-de-la-montagne-a-blogging-societys-ascension.html#ixzz3Xlh7ozV8 
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/lordre/2015/04/lordre-de-la-montagne-a-blogging-societys-ascension.html#4g07Yj9x1vTdIveb.99
One idea advanced by a Mont Order adviser to secure this aim would consist of pinning badges and links at websites and blogs declaring their relationship with the Mont Order, much as other online solidarity networks like "Team Internet" have encouraged.

While much of the group's origins continue to be left a mystery shrouded in urban legend, the Mont Order's most recent form is "an exclusive elite club of writers and networks based in different countries who collaborate to broaden their influence".

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