The Transhumanist Party is making shockwaves in national media, with a number of headlines directing readers to transhumanism's new platform aiming to influence government policy in the "techno-progressive" direction.
The Blog has compiled some favorite tweets and reports in that vein here, to help readers digest the impact of the Transhumanist Party's new platform and encourage you to consider voting the era-changing visionaries of liberty and technology into office.
A poll taken at the Mirror Online resulted in over half the respondents confirming their support for transhumanism and affirming that they consider themselves to be transhumanists, showing that the philosophy has significant potential for popular support among "Netizens".
We don't wish to alarm you. But it looks like HALF of our readers are cyborgs. Are you?
— MirrorTech (@MirrorTech) April 12, 2015
Cyborg supporting Transhumanist Party appoints first political candidate in UK:
— MirrorTech (@MirrorTech) April 10, 2015
Transhumanist candidate standing in 2015 election Read my article about the movement here
— Jamie Bartlett (@JamieJBartlett) April 11, 2015
Excellent progress with other international Transhumanist Parties occurring: #TranshumanistParty #transhumanism
— Zoltan Istvan (@zoltan_istvan) March 28, 2015
Transhumanist Party - Transcending Human Limitations #politics #transhumanist
— The Wave Chronicle (@WaveChronicle) April 12, 2015
Interesting article with discussion of @TranshumanParty: #transhumanism #future
— Zoltan Istvan (@zoltan_istvan) March 29, 2015
Alexander Karran is the first UK transhumanist political candidate and will be the candidate for Liverpool Walton. As the UK Transhumanist Party's Amon Twyman said in a blog post on 27 March, "our hope of actually winning this election is – to be frank – infinitesimal". However, the main intention has been to create shockwaves and make people aware of the emergence of political transhumanism in the UK. Given the media reaction from diverse sources catalogued above, that goal certainly seems to be coming to fruition as the conversation on transhumanism and technoprogressive politics grows in the US and the UK.