31 July 2015

"We need more traitors"

The Blog

The American Center-Left need not call the GOP's anti-Obama crusaders "traitors" and should instead call them by their correct name: warmongers.

This is what is advocated by antistatist theorist Kevin Carson at the C4SS (Center for a Stateless Society) think tank in a recent post.

Carson argues that while it is tempting to turn Republican war hawks' own rhetoric about "traitors" and allegedly weak-kneed Democratic foreign policy back on them, the real crime of the war hawks is the mere fact that they support war. Any action in the interests of peace, whether disloyal to a regime or loyal to it, should be celebrated, and such is the triumph of the nuclear deal reached between world powers and Iran. On the other hand, any action in the interests of war, such as the campaigning by pro-Israel figures in US politics, should be considered a horrendous assault on the public interest.

In addition, Carson noted it is not very American to disapprove of "treason" in the first place, considering the United States was founded upon treason and committed the most famous act of treason in history, which it celebrates every year on July 4. This historic treason was also motivated largely by warrantless spying much like the NSA's, which Americans thought was outrageous enough to take up arms against the colonial administration. From his conclusion:
Indeed “traitors” like John Brown and Harriet Tubman, and New England juries who nullified the Fugitive Slave Law, found themselves at war with the federal government. We need more traitors like them, and like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden.
Below is the trailer for the upcoming thriller movie Snowden, directed by Oliver Stone, which is likely to further build up the popular following behind Edward Snowden and challenge many who see the whistleblower as a traitor who put Americans at risk from terrorists.

American politicians continue to put US soldiers and civilians at risk throughout the world by perpetuating reckless policies of assassination, provocation, war, extortion, betrayal and torture behind a cloak of secrecy and hollow propaganda about democratic accountability. At the same time, the actions of Edward Snowden did not cause any loss of life while politicians accuse him of being irresponsible.

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UK's Cameron regime tries to ban truth

The Blog The ruling Cameron regime in the UK now sees telling the truth about British war crimes in the Middle East as a form of extremism. Saying anything compatible with the rhetoric of terrorist groups such as ISIL (the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant or Daesh as it's Arabic acronym goes) will now be considered extremist, including statements of fact. This was the analysis of antistatist writer Billy Christmas at C4SS (the Center for a Stateless Society), an antistatist think tank based in the United States. The trend towards censorship and persecution of dissidents in the UK is especially worrying considering that UK subjects do not have any constitutional right to freedom of speech. When asked what "extremist" speech is,...
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28 July 2015

Evil symbol vs. evil symbol?

The Blog While the elimination of symbols of the Confederacy may be a necessary, if belated, way of combating injustice, we must be careful not to be drawn into a battle of symbols that is ultimately as superficial as the symbols themselves. That is the warning issued by top social scientist Immanuel Wallerstein. Alluding to the apparent distinctions between the flag of the US federal government and the former Confederacy, Wallerstein wrote, "It is all too easy in the struggle against one noxious set of symbols to install in our collective value system another noxious set of symbols". Included was of course the recognition that "symbols matter", but what matters more is changing what the symbols stood for. The absence of Confederate...
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Schoolboy lectures Americans on Iran

The Blog Netanyahu has been publicly humiliated by the nuclear deal with Iran, but uses his airtime to further air his stupidity to the American audience. Writing at Counterpunch, Andrew Levine notes that in Netanyahu's recent interview with with NPR, he milked his "American High School education for all it’s worth". In the radio interview, the Israeli leader "jabbered on like a befuddled High School principal telling the assembled student body how disappointed he was in them for some incident or other — and admonishing them never to do anything so dastardly again". Netanyahu did all he could to scuttle the deal with Iran, and all his efforts failed. By going on an all-out assault on the Obama administration, Netanyahu and...
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24 July 2015

Iran nuclear deal vs. the lunatic fringe

The Blog Opponents of the deal between Iran and world powers are the "lunatic fringe of world opinion". According to the L'Ordre blog hosted at Beliefnet, the opponents of peace in the Middle East are "a group of isolated warmongers who despite humanity and want to unleash a holocaust on the world in their despair at the growing global chorus to liberate Palestine." The source of America's problems with Iran is Israel, the blog states in a brief analysis published last weekend. Israel is a "parasite state" that has relied on committing crimes against humanity, annexing land and throwing innocent people out of their homes in order for this regime to survive. Its existence is even more parasitic when it comes to relations with the United States,...
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Find the crossroads of politics and tech

The Blog The Blog has selected the following partner channels and publications to recommend for our readers. The Wave Chronicle One of our close partners, a website similarly dedicated to showcasing radical and compassionate visions of the future of politics and technology. Voice of East An influential publication with a focus on politics, belief and conflict resolution in Pakistan. The Daily Agenda A dissident blog focused on the UK and British foreign policy, maintained by censored investigative journalist Simon Tomlin. CI Breaking Our supporting news microblog, filled with content recommended by the clubof.info team and our online media partners. CiSpiritual.com A website with a spiritual focus, and the same mission of enlightenment...
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21 July 2015

Bruere on transhumanism as religion

The Blog Transhumanism is more than a philosophy, but an idea dangerous to the current world order and the blueprint of a new, "final", and ultimately true religion. This is the view advocated by transhumanist and occultist Dirk Bruere in a recent article published via The Wave Chronicle. Bruere is the author of The Praxis, a religious pamphlet advocating a new religion built upon the promises of science and technology to relieve humanity of the burdens of mortality and human intellectual limits. Transhumanism is not just a set of philosophies as claimed, but a "declaration of intent" that enters the intellectual territory formerly dominated by the church. Namely death, resurrection, and the destiny of the universe itself. Artificial...
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Greece (and humanity's) alternatives

The Blog The antistatist think tank C4SS has an explanation for the betrayal inflicted on the Greek people in their government's recent surrender to European (and US) financial power. According to an open letter from C4SS social theorist Kevin Carson, the fault for the betrayal of the Greek people rests not with any person but with a misguided plan by left-wing politicians to achieve state power and revise government and corporate policies in order to accommodate the wishes of the people. History has proven that these actions lead to betrayal of the people, as the state's will can be bent by powerful institutions such as banks and corporations, as well as supranational oligarchy and foreign powers. Ultimately, any people who attempt to vote...
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17 July 2015

America's reign of torture will backfire

The Blog The use of obscene torture methods by American rulers increases global resentment toward this hypocritical regime and will cause violence against US interests. This was the message in a recent Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) post attacking the flawed and naive analysis that informs the regime's rampant use of torture against detainees. In the post, antistatist commentator Nick Ford wrote: A recent NDAA amendment passed in mid-June makes it a lot harder for the CIA to torture–a good step forward. But it’s also worth noting that torture isn’t “beneath us” as Oliver suggests. It’s never been “beneath” the US government to torture people, to wage unjust wars, to unjustly imprison millions of people for non-violent offenses,...
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The continuum of the Mont Order

The Blog The Mont Order bloggers' club is a new iteration of an old tradition, while conspiracy theories about the Mont Order are separate works of "fiction". These facts are articulated in a new short essay published by L'Ordre, a Mont Order blogger, with Dissident Voice. The essay, titled "The New Mont Order Dissidents", breaks the Mont Order down into two different actors that must be understood as different entities but connected with the same metaphors and images common to the Mont Order. The Mont Order's sickle-like emblem, which has no known meaning in the current Mont Order, is one of these features, as is the Mont Order slogan "Inheritance, Equilibrium, Order". L'Ordre claimed that he was using such features to shape the Mont Order...
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14 July 2015

The state, not "terrorists", censors you

The Blog

Describing Islamist attacks on people who don't share their beliefs as if their actions represent a totalitarian suppression of free speech is an absurd analysis.

That is the view put forward at the L'Ordre blog based with Beliefnet. In an analysis from the weekend 11-12 July, the blog drew attention to the following problem with anti-Islamists' half-baked claims about a threat to the constitutional right of freedom of expression (highlighted part selected by The clubof.info Blog):
Anti-Islam campaigners try to argue that Islam threatens freedom of speech but in doing so they misunderstand what freedom of speech is. Freedom of speech doesn’t refer to a right granted by gunmen, soldiers and terrorists to the public, but to a right granted by the state to the public. 
Claiming that terrorists threaten our freedom of speech is bogus even if they kill cartoonists and people who mock Mohammed, because freedom of speech was never contingent on what terrorists do or don’t do anyway. Terrorists were always able to kill people for what they expressed in public, as were any other members of the public. Everyone is at risk of being killed for what they say at all times and freedom of speech has never been about providing any protection from that threat, but only from such threats that originate from the ruling power of the state.
Read more: http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/lordre#ixzz3fbrAHU00
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/lordre#9ocB0WywIkvyHk8L.99
Shouting or ultimately assassination by members of the public cannot endanger constitutional rights because no such acts have any effect on the law and the laws guaranteeing free speech still hold even if people are killed for such expression. On the other hand, far-right figures who advocate the elimination of Islam and the rolling back of civil liberties in order to attack Muslims are indeed attempting to alter the law to curtail constitutional freedoms.

In this sense, anti-Islam activists such as Pamela Geller can be more accurately classified as enemies of free speech than ISIS terrorists such as those who killed cartoonists for depicting the Prophet Mohammed. Similarly censorship refers to state actions and not actions taken, however violent, by members of the public who feel offended by an image. Killings of cartoonists who depict Mohammed are neither a form of censorship, nor a threat to the right of free speech, and are simply acts of premeditated murder that have no relevance to at all to freedom of speech.

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The #MontOrder's growth in tweets

The Blog The growth of the new Mont Order society can be seen on Twitter through the use of the #MontOrder hashtag. New items on the Mont Order society are appearing frequently. The following are a special selection of tweets illustrating the current priorities and causes carried under the umbrella of the Mont Order society. Get in touch with a Mont adviser: At the present moment, the Mont Order is in its formative state as a modern ... http://t.co/KrZFc4AIbX — L'Ordre (@LOrdreNet) July 8, 2015 The Mont Order will support @haloefekti as our latest member. Visit our internal forums for more on this support https://t.co/mF7hDBl24A — The Mont Order (@MontOrder) July 7, 2015 Newest #MontOrder members incl @Dissident_News @VoiceofEastMag...
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10 July 2015

"Dread Pirate Roberts" can't be caught

The Blog

Whilst Ross Ulbricht was imprisoned for founding and maintaining the Silk Road darknet market, the threat he represents to the statist elite can't be defeated.

Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) writer Ryan Calhoun argued in a post on  that Ross Ulbricht, who allegedly used the shared pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts, defied the US state and that his trial was based upon the fears of the ruling political elite rather than any crime committed by Ross himself. From Calhoun's emotive account:
By placing him in your torture chamber known colloquially as the U.S Prison System you have broadcast your hatred and your fear of what he represents to the world once more. “Here remains The Dread Pirate Roberts, Defiler of the Narrative of Necessity”. He may remain there for a time, but his story cannot. The truth cannot. There are no cages that can hold the truth and I will do whatever I can to spread it. Ross was not the first nor is he the last. The people have been striking out against this bogus fiction since it was first taught to them. You called them criminals. You called their actions violent and you call your own violence necessity.
In many cases, the rationale for banning websites and services has more to do with conserving power in the hands of the state and traditional economic elites rather than actually preventing social harms. Calhoun sees this as the case in the prosecution of Ross Ulbricht. The analysis is in agreement with many other antistatist writers, who regard the Silk Road as one in a long projected trend of web-borne rebellions against traditional state power.

Describing the US prison system as a "torture chamber", Calhoun stated that the life imprisonment of Ross Ulbricht is no less than a cynical death sentence against a bright and principled man whose only crime was threatening the ruling US mafia state's grasp on power.

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Digital goods & roads to post-scarcity

The Blog Digital products are essentially available for free and new advances in technology will make almost everything free, a Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) writer predicts. Commenting on the music industry, James C. Wilson wrote of Taylor Swift's letter to Apple, in which she demanded that she still be paid for her artistic works even during free trial periods offered by Apple Music to customers. While the spirit of her letter is agreeable in fighting for the rights of individual artists to get what they are due, Wilson wrote that the current trajectory of technology will inevitably make all digital products free. Further, even real products will be made free and a post-scarcity economy will eventually emerge where everything...
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7 July 2015

The Assad chemical attack lie again?

The Blog Commentators are returning to lying about Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons on his people. This lie was already attempted and debunked in a 2013 debacle, now known as an abortive US-British attempt to preach excuses to attack Syria using Iraq-style disinformation to mislead the public again. The L'Ordre blog took aim at this horrendous new campaign of disinformation in a recent post on Saturday, stating, "It was no secret that the US State Department believes the American people are so stupid that they will fall for the same lie every ten years after forgetting the previous one. It was not known that they believed the American people to have the memory of a fish." The blog further alleged that Syrian rebels...
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Wallerstein: Lat America creeps right

The Blog The Latin American left may be in a state of self-destruction, social scientist Immanuel Wallerstein has explained in a recent analysis. The problem originates in the fact that there are actually two "lefts" in Latin America: ... those persons and movements that wish to overcome the lower standards of living in the countries of the South by using state power to “modernize” the economy and thereby “catch up” with the countries of the North ... the modernizing left ... those underclasses who fear that such “modernization” will make things not better but worse for them, increasing the internal gaps between the better-off and the poorest strata of the country... the indigenista populations, that is, those whose presence dates...
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3 July 2015

Invited to the Mont Order?

The Blog Were you invited to join the Mont Order? The Mont Order refers to two things. One is the group alleged to have existed in an Internet-borne conspiracy theory. The second is the group that really exists right now as a small online collective, a federation of sorts consisting of writers, activists and even whole movements. That is the interpretation advanced by L'Ordre, Mont Order blogger, writing at the Mont Order primary website in an appeal to potential new candidates on 1 July. I was invited to the Mont Order. What is the Order? What should I do? Appealing to writers who receive invitations to join the Mont Order, L'Ordre pleaded for them to "take advantage of a unique opportunity now". New members must be accepted by a body...
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Obama doesn't stand up for trans people

The Blog Despite the Obama administration championing the cause of LGBT rights, the administration's record in this area is far from perfect. As illustrated in an article by Cory Massimino for the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS), the Obama administration continues to preside over the abuse of transgender detainees. This was recently pointed out to Obama by a heckler, transsexual immigrant Jennicet Gutierrez, during a White House Gay Pride speech. Massimino points out that Gutierrez was ignorantly booed and shamed by other LGBT activists and members of the White House's crowd during the event, illustrating the emptiness of Obama's words during his speech "And then there's the kind of courage it takes to be true to yourself even...
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High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally

If the US leaders wanted to wage a thermonuclear war that would destroy America and the world, we would not be here to talk about it. Presid...

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