"The gravest danger to hegemony and oppression lies at the transformational crossroads of liberation and technology". clubof.info is a mix of technopolitics commentary and radical ideas.
The Blog
British "leftist" neocon warmonger Peter Tatchell has been criticizing Stop the War Coalition for its refusal to join his deranged calls for more Western-led military intervention in Syria and confrontation with Russia.
Tatchell, who claims to be an anti-war activist, has consistently advocated war as the solution to the violence in Syria. He sees the Syrian government as the problem, and Western military and moral support for violence as the only answer to the Syrian government.
Apparently, the main goal of Western interventionist commentators like Peter Tatchell has been to promote a Western-led war against the Assad government in Syria, under the guise of "stopping" this war the West itself started and funded against that country.
The Blog
Google's continued failure to allow ad revenue to some alternative media channels such as Representative Press has caused financial hardship for them and even prompted some commentators to stop using this source of income altogether.
A small online petition continues to try to attract signatures to ask Google to restore that advertising revenue. Although it has been signed by a handful of writers and activists from the Mont Order, as well as a small section of the Representative Press audience, the petition at Change.org has so far only enjoyed a small amount of publicity in the two months it has existed.
According to a recent Representative Press video, Google has in no way severed the advertising revenue coming to Alex...
The Blog
Fusion power plants would likely mean sole power plants feeding entire continents or countries with electricity, giving incredible political leverage to the government or company with the off-switch.
Critics of thermonuclear fusion power have therefore said alternative energy must not just be renewable. It must also be decentralized and easily shared.
At Beliefnet, a post of the L'Ordre blog argues that synthetic biology is the key to developing easily shared and decentralized power sources. They will be circulated to even the poorest communities.
Some attention has been given to developing sustainable fuels using new biologically-engineered bacteria that excrete types of petroleum or diesel (see the BBC report here). Although it...
The Blog
Although online polls show Bernie Sanders winning the recent Democratic Debate of Saturday 19, some media insist instead that Hillary Clinton won.
Some news correspondents and apparent experts have been claiming that Hillary Clinton won simply because she knows best about foreign policy, in particular Libya and Syria, which she helped to turn into rubble by advocating US aggression.
Clinton's calls for the US to attack Russian and Syrian aircraft with a "no-fly zone" to help terrorists defend themselves in Syria particularly excited some Western journalists, along with repetitions of her arrogant judgment on behalf of Syrians that 'Assad must go'.
For these bellicose remarks, journalists seem to love Clinton and have concluded...
The Blog
The IMF changed its rules on lending to allow lending to countries in arrears. This made it legal for the IMF, now part of the "New Cold War", to financially prop up the US-backed regime in Ukraine as a reward for its anti-Russian hatred and extremism.
Although this change has indeed annoyed the Russians as intended, they have pointed out that the International Monetary Fund will undermine itself in the long term by doing this, with top government figures making the following points.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: IMF now faces a "timebomb" due to recklessly changing its rules to allow lending to countries with arrears, in order to prop up the Ukrainian regime
Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: after IMF rule-change, "there will...
In an open letter to the Platform Committee of the US Libertarian Party, Garrison Center director Thomas L. Knapp called for the party's platform document to remove a vague justification for denying the freedoms of immigrants.
Currently, the Libertarian Party platform mentions "a credible threat" as a suitable reason to refuse immigrants entering the United States. Knapp and others were concerned that this created the grounds for "authoritarian" misinterpretations of the document.
Some Libertarian Party supporters, according to Knapp, were interpreting the platform's wording as a justification for rejecting immigrants from entire social, ethnic or religious backgrounds, seeing them as a "threat". However, this search for exceptions to freedom and excuses to treat people as inferior would not increase freedom, and is in fact more threatening to liberty than the current US regime and its policies. With Libertarians having an obligation to be the party of minimum government, Knapp points out that it would be absurd for them to be perceived to argue for a more vigilant national security state than already exists.
Thomas L. Knapp, also known by the online nickname KN@PPSTER, is a member of the Center for a Stateless Society think tank (C4SS) as well as the dissident Mont Order society. His open letter to the Libertarian Party can be read here and can be endorsed by your signature here.
The Blog
A third commentary has been issued by Mont Order society friend L'Ordre, addressing the Mont Order's third point in its recently conceived "code".
Published via Dissident Voice, the L'Ordre commentary joins two others addressing their own respective portions of the code of the Mont Order society (first point and second point).
More: The Mont Order's unofficial conspiracy
More: Articles tagged as "L'Ordre" items at The clubof.info Blog
In addition, the commentary was republished to the Mont Order content website lordre.net. As with earlier commentaries, the following are important selections of text from the Mont Order commentary, which focused heavily on the idea that democracy is largely false or deserving of heavy skepticism:
The Erdogan "caliphate" regime in Turkey has accused an MP of "treason" for telling the truth about Syria.
That case was opened by the Chief Prosecutor's Office against Istanbul MP Eren Erdem (Republican People's Party CHP) after he explained Turkey's role in supplying chemical weapons to terrorist groups in Syria at the Russian news network RT.
As shown in the video below, Eren Erdem told the RT network that ISIL received the needed chemicals to produce deadly sarin nerve gas via transit through Turkey. This was based on evidence from a criminal case. Erdem pointed out that there may have been a cover-up by the ruling Erdogan regime in Turkey.
The authorities had actually arrested 13 suspects for aiding ISIL in procuring chemical weapons. Erdem said the prosecution was abandoned and the suspects were allowed to cross the Turkish-Syrian border.
Erdem confirmed that Western-backed terrorist groups, not Syrian Army soldiers loyal to Bashar al-Assad as reported in Western media, carried out a chemical attack on civilians in East Ghouta in 2013. It may have been done using the weapons supplied through Turkey.
Turkey has been accused by many different powers of supporting the ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In addition, Turkey has acted aggressively and capriciously, invading Iraqi territory and shooting down a Russian warplane while it was bombing ISIL positions near Turkey.
US State Department spokesman John Kirby refused "tough questions" from a Russian journalist and returned several questions angrily during a press conference.
During the press conference, Kirby was asked questions by the RT (Russia Today) network’s Gayane Chichakyan, who asked if the Iraqi government should have no concern over the US refusing responsibility for settling divisions in the so-called coalition against ISIL.
State Dept: US leads a 60-nation coalition
State Dept: US not responsible for coalition members and disputes, they work bilaterally
While at the same time bragging about the size and scope of the US-led campaign against ISIL, Kirby kept saying the US does not take responsibility for the actions of these forces and they must resolve any of their own problems bilaterally. The Russian journalist's apparently too "tough" and unanswerable question was a follow-up question to that apparent contradiction in Kirby's points.
Rather than answering the question, Kirby tried to insult Chichakyan on the air and condemn the RT network for asking "difficult questions". Kirby pointed out that RT does not pose this type of question to the Russian government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), as if this indicated double standards in the network's reporting. This is despite the clear difference that Russia is not offering arrogant propositions to lead 60-nation coalitions or trying to dominate the world - behavior that at least requires RT to ask a few more challenging questions.
The questions Kirby would like RT's Gayane Chichakyan to ask of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were never mentioned. However, Russia's MFA has openly asked the State Department itself to pose any questions for it to answer. The State Department refused that opportunity, feeling it better to imagine and speculate about Russians than talk to them.
It does not occur to Kirby that the reason Russia is not being asked "tough questions" of the variety asked by Chichakyan is because no one has tried. Kirby instead insinuates another explanation: Russian diplomats escape tough questions by getting RT and other Russian media to screen them out. There is no evidence of that behavior by the Russians, but there is evidence of the State Department hiding from tough questions. Just look at John Kirby himself.
D. Helene
A Spiritual Response to the San Bernardino Terrorist Attack
Where is the Muslim Gandhi?
The terrorist attack in San Bernardino hit very close to home for me. San Bernardino is 55.5 miles from where I live.
In my humble opinion, before we start to point fingers, engage in conspiracy theories and chastise those who would use this tragedy for any political agenda, we need to view the entire incident through a spiritual lens, focusing on compassion.
So, let’s take a look at each of the parties involved.
Obviously, the victims and their families deserve our compassion. They were innocent victims, going to a holiday work party to celebrate the holiday season. So, let’s shine compassion on the souls of the victims and on their...
The Blog
Wanted war criminal Tony Blair ranted in a recent article published at the UK magazine Spectator, in an attempt to defend himself.
Blair avoided mentioning Iraq or his crimes in that country throughout his article, instead focusing on what he called the "tragedy of the Labour party's current position".
Most of Blair's article was vacant and avoided making any particular statement other than vague references to his own ideas being more "realist", despite them leading to failures, humiliation and defeats such as the Iraq War or strongly related ongoing Syrian conflict. At one point, Blair almost mentioned the Iraq War, stating as follows:
Post 9/11 I became convinced that Islamist extremism was the security issue of our time....
The Blog
The British regime, which considers opposition figures "terrorist sympathizers" for not backing its illegal aggression in Syria, has learned nothing from past failures and defeats in the Middle East.
This was the overwhelming message in various media items capturing the public mood in Britain in relation to its decision to wage war in Syria.
One YouTuber commented that the UK has learned nothing from its past mistakes. He said it is unbelieveable that UK leaders admit to causing so many deaths with their mistakes, but additionally claim to have learned from them and repeat them.
It is as if Western leaders are killer doctors. Military action destroyed Iraq and Libya, and now they want Syria. Despite a history of rampant...
Garrison Center director Thomas L. Knapp has commented on the irresponsible and provocative way some media, in particular the Daily Mail, responded to a recent terrorist incident in California.
Media quoted some residents from the scene of the crime in San Bernardino, California. Some of them were reported stating that they knew "middle easterners" were receiving many deliveries and working at night, but that they did not report it to law enforcement for fear of racial profiling. Knapp was quick to point out that they were correct: their refusal to racially profile the killers for having dark complexions cannot be blamed for the killings.
Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27 committed what is now considered to be an ISIL-inspired terrorist attack on US soil on December 2 using pipe bombs and semi-automatic weaponry. Both were eliminated by US security forces at the scene of the crime, but had managed to murder 14 civilians during the tragic events.
Thomas L. Knapp, who goes by the nickname KN@PPSTER and is also part of the Mont society which recently declared a revolutionary value system in October, wrote on his blog Friday that the media's biased comments amount to "encouraging everyone else to go batsh*t insane if a swarthy new neighbor orders too much stuff from Fingerhut". KN@PPSTER argues the reports were presented in such a way that they imply racial profiling is an acceptable standard for judging someone's guilt and reporting them to the police. This much is apparent in the comments section of the Mail article, in which users condemn "political correctness" for enabling the attack.
In full, the director offered this commentary obtained by The clubof.info Blog's network:
If you think your neighbors tinkering in their garage at night and receiving lots of packages is "suspicious," you're paranoid... And if your reason... is that they look like "middle easterners,"... what you are doing is racial profiling...
The Blog
Different countries trying to gain the moral high ground and win in the Syrian war at any costs open up new ways for a Third World War to begin.
The growing involvement of great powers in the war-torn Arab country resembles the conditions leading to World War One and World War Two. The world is also divided into two clear sets of military alliances fighting it out in Syria, a theory at Beliefnet states.
In its conclusion, the Beliefnet post referred to a drone video of the devastation in Syria, comparing it both with World War Two in Europe and how the world would look after a nuclear war. "Today, Syria looks like it has been nuked", the post stated, predicting that the powers increasingly involved there would like to do similar...
The Blog
A UK blogger explained in October why the neoconservatives (neocons) are liars.
It's because they follow a political philosophy that overtly justifies a clique of liars and manipulators as the ideal form of government.
Straussian political philosophy, modeled on the ideas of Leo Strauss, is the basis of the ideology responsible for neocon extremism. It is this philosophy that has told them to perpetrate the greatest greatest crimes in the Twenty-First Century, including blackmail, support of genocide, and terrorist massacres against foreign states they deem "inferior" to the so-called West.
The wars of aggression that the US has been starting were based on lies. These include most notably the 2003 Iraq War. Of this war, UK...
The Blog
A top Mont society member and newsletter editor has called for Turkey to be thrown out of the so-called NATO alliance.
Citing the recent incident when Turkish fighter planes shot down a Russian bomber aircraft while it was striking Turkish-backed terrorist targets, Wave Chronicle editor Mike Dodd described the Turkish government as idiots whose actions are beyond belief.
Not only did the Turkish authorities take lethal action against Russian lives to protect terrorists , but Turkish-supported militiamen also broke the Geneva Convention by murdering an unarmed pilot who had parachuted from the burning aircraft before he had even landed. The Wave Chronicle recommended the RT network video, embedded once again by The clubof.info...
The Blog
UK Transhumanists commented on possible UK airstrikes against ISIL Takfiri terrorists being extended to the battlespace of Syria. Already, the UK is conducting such strikes in Iraq in collaboration with US allies, with apparently no impact on the course of the conflict.
In a press release last week on 25 November, the UK Transhumanist Party explained its position. Attacking Syria without unambiguous approval of the United Nations or a request from the Syrian government still in power in Damascus would be an action without blessing from the party.
The party said it would support bombing in Syria only if it meets three important conditions as follow:
(a) That the military action is limited to strikes against Islamic State and will...
The Blog
Writing at Examiner.com, human rights expert and Mont society member Deborah Dupre criticized US President Barack Obama's weakness on his former promise to close the Guantanamo Bay torture camp still maintained by the US regime.
In a short report, Dupre said Obama's existing rationale for blocking the insidious National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was "short of what constitutional and human rights defenders view appropriate". From the report:
Obama's stated rationale... neglects constitutional and human rights issues. It was about funding "national security" and economics. In what constituted treason and flagrant breach of human rights, according to rights groups, the NDAA stripped Americans of their constitutional...