29 January 2016

West dissidents go after Vladimir Putin?

The Blog As Vladimir Putin steps up his opposition to US hegemony in Syria, Ukraine and other theaters of confrontation between the powers, supporters of US global dominance demonize all their critics as supporters of Putin. In response to the demonization, some Western dissidents are starting to focus their criticism partially on Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. Any criticism of Putin will suffice, even if it doesn't make any sense. This new behavior is based on hysteria and the intense fear of being dismissed as "apologists" for Putin. Severe punishment is already given to Western journalists for being supportive of Russia or even for being neutral on issues to do with Russia. Journalists have been fired or denied a platform...
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Global injustice as an existential threat

The Blog A Beliefnet blog points to "injustices, prejudices and other ailments of global society" as a greater priority than "humanity-threatening disasters" of the kind addressed by the Lifeboat Foundation think tank. Appealing to the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, the L'Ordre blog, also authored by another Bentham, talks of the "happiness of the greatest number" being preferable to any small minority evading fallout or potential extinction in a global war or disaster. In the brief semi-review of the Willard Wells book Prospects for Human Survival, the blog attacked the teleology of humanity wanting to avoid genetic-cultural extinction (as opposed to human suffering) at all: ...if the goal in life was to avoid extinction,...
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26 January 2016

Govt, media ignore suffering in Yemen

The Blog Government and media in Britain are too focused on the Syrian Civil War to notice the greater scale of the suffering in Yemen. In fact, as Steve Topple writes in an opinion piece at Common Space, the UK has even taken sides in the Yemen conflict, supporting the Saudi-led forces who imposed mass killings and starvation in the country after pro-Saudi President Hadi was driven from power. The violence and displacement reported in Yemen, in what reports are available amid the pro-Saudi media blackout, is "a humanitarian disaster of even more catastrophic proportions " than anything seen in Syria. Topple writes that the war in Yemen is driven by Saudi Arabia's decline, as is found in recent events such as the lifting of anti-Iran sanctions,...
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Sanders biography recommended

The Blog Thomas Knapp, head of the Garrison Center and a member of the small Mont Order* from where this blog makes many reports, recommends a major biographical book on US Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Knapp posted the recommendation on his KN@PPSTER blog on Wednesday, including a link the Amazon purchase page. Bernie, authored by Darcy Richardson who is a friend of Thomas Knapp, is an immense 400-page work. Knapp encourages followers of Sanders and of the US Presidential race in general to read the book, because "You think you know Bernie Sanders, because you've half-attentively followed the Democratic presidential horse race. But you probably don't know Bernie Sanders at all." He acknowledges, however, that the biography...
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22 January 2016

Mont: Oregon militants should go home

The Blog Members of the Mont Order society offered their theories on the actions of political militants who took control of a US Federal-owned Wildlife Refuge in Oregon and are holding it "by force of arms". In sum, the Mont Order denounces the militants and believes they need to "go home". While members are not necessarily standing with the US government if it eventually detains or eliminates these militants, as some members of the political left seem to be, Mont bloggers and activists see the militants' actions as unjustified. Wave Chronicle Editor Mike Dodd was strongest in condemning the Oregon militants, stating there is nothing noble or worthy in the cause these militants claim to represent. What they are doing amounts to "dumb...
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'Criticize, don't support' - L'Ordre

The Blog The last L'Ordre commentary on the new code of the Mont Order is available, talking about "the power of information" and urging bloggers to exercise maximum independence. Political parties and leaders create vulnerabilities in potentially strong movements and causes, while powerful institutions tend to play along with other power structures rather than remaining effective critics, the commentary states. It is advised that bloggers should not become defenders of some popular political figure or movement, but rather pursue an independent course in criticizing states, institutions and corporations. Some political figures appear to be better than the others to many alternative media commentators and bloggers on the political sidelines,...
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19 January 2016

US accepts reality in the Persian Gulf?

The Blog Confusing and angering many American neocons, the American regime did not use the arrest of its sailors in Iranian waters as an excuse to start a war. The US deep state, in line with the incumbent Democratic Party platform, seems committed to abandoning the idea of military aggression against Iran, after years of threats (the threats themselves were criminal acts, banned explicitly by the United Nations Charter). The wiser experts at the Pentagon never really wanted war with Iran, and didn't want the 2003 Iraq War either, but are being constantly pushed by a clique of neocon political illiterates, now considered criminals to many. Media commentators have a big share of blood on their hands for the war on Muslims, like US television...
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Referendums can prevent war: L'Ordre

The Blog Covering both the fifth and sixth points in the relatively new Mont Order code, which was crafted in late 2015 for the internet age and its new forms of voluntary cooperation, the fifth commentary from L'Ordre has been made available. Appearing at Dissident Voice, the Mont Order website and the Wave Chronicle, the written commentary talks about imperialism and national liberation movements seeking irredentism, contrasting the two sides' different ethics in international territorial disputes. According to the commentary, which represents the views of the L'Ordre accounts online and not the Mont Order society itself, the borders of states are not sacred and can indeed be legitimately changed if there are popular movements and referendums...
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15 January 2016

Madaya: 'opposition is starving us'

The Blog According to residents of the besieged town of Madaya in Syria, which is home to around 9000 civilians, the US-supported "opposition" gunmen are starving the local population to death. In much of the mainstream media, Madaya has been portrayed as one of the latest atrocities of the Bashar al-Assad government. On closer inspection, it appears that the cruelty in the town does not exist on the scale reported in the media, and that whatever cruelty does exist in Madaya is clearly being perpetrated by the criminal opposition supported by the lying Washington regime. Although food supplies have successfully entered the besieged town of Madaya in Syria, they are promptly confiscated by the gunmen supported by the US and British...
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Obama rants 'US is not in decline!'

The Blog US President Obama used his recent State of the Union Address to make laughable errors, issue arrogant judgments, and offend the international community. Obama described the theory of the US economic and strategic decline - something that Britain, the European Union, most of Asia and South America, and many leading Western economists accept to be a fact - as "hot air" from political enemies. In addition to this, Obama made rabid proclamations that the US regime is better than everyone else because it has stronger armies: The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth, period! Period!... We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined... Our troops are the finest fighting force in the history...
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12 January 2016

Ukraine gets same medicine as Libya?

The Blog The deadly track record of the US regime's neoconservative hardliners irrationally attacking countries has, unsurprisingly, found no exception in Ukraine. Despite a large number of Ukrainians welcoming US neocons as liberators to their country, the international criminals have only proved how destructive they are. Ukraine is in financial ruin and projected to get worse, bringing unprecedented poverty to its people as the price they must pay for becoming another Western fake "democracy". This was the analysis presented at the small investigative publication Consortiumnews, which has been active since 1995, in a recent January 6 post authored by Robert Parry. Many Ukrainian politicians today can rejoice that their...
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'Libertarian President' vs the burqa?

The Blog US Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Gary Johnson withdrew his statements that he would ban the burqa. He earlier justified his argument by saying this type of Islam-associated attire exists to cover up injuries to support violence against women. According to Johnson, his comments were a "kneejerk response" given to Reason. However, he also gave the same response to two other publications, Politico and the New Mexico Journal. Given his consistency on the position earlier, his dishonesty is clear and there can be little doubt about his Islamophobia. Antistatist writer Thomas L. Knapp commented on Johnson's dishonesty in a recent blog post, remarking "He wanted to dog whistle to Donald Trump's supporters." Knapp added that...
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8 January 2016

Oregon militiamen vs the 'worse guys'

The Blog Antistatist writer Thomas L. Knapp, also a Mont Order society member, wrote on 4 January on the stand-off between militia members and Federal authorities at a facility in the US state of Oregon. Knapp sympathized with the militia members in his short commentary, but stopped short of declaring any support for their actions. He contrasted them with law enforcers, seeing Federal officers as somewhat more arbitrary and dangerous than the militiamen themselves. Stating that there is nothing especially different from the Occupy movement or the Black Panthers about these members of the public who choose to defend themselves at occupation-type protests using firearms, Knapp offered the following commentary: any time any group puts...
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The "OffGuardians" proliferate online

The Blog

At the heart of the crossroads of radicalism and technology today is the emergence of new, off-the-spectrum political forces and media sources.

These organisations or circles rapidly expand their readership, influence and credibility at a pace that alarms mainstream journalists and politicians. Because our blog is all about that irrepressible reformation at the tip of the sword of modern communication technologies, we are reporting again following our similar post last week in response to Steve Topple's predictions.

Petition: Google must end its censorship

According to the Mont-friendly L'Ordre blog based at the world-famous Beliefnet website,
What of all the tech-empowered bloggers from a background of powerlessness – that group Steve offers himself as an example of? What of media disintegration, the formation of the OffGuardian and the thousands of other OffGuardians that are tearing readers away from the Guardian? What about all the small Alex Joneses tearing people away from the real Alex Jones. These hundreds, perhaps thousands of independent radicals (the kind the Mont Order has intended to gather and support) have no real strategy but they corrode and disintegrate the more authoritarian media environment. There are no authorities on the web.

Read more: http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/lordre/2016/01/media-disintegration.html#ixzz3wSz0Yae9
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/lordre/2016/01/media-disintegration.html#pDz6kUPtj4C0vAHS.99
The OffGuardian was a website set up to host the conversations that the Guardian would not tolerate, and preferred to delete. It is possible that the website was set up due to the Guardian's staunch support of British regime policies after its hard drives were smashed and it was forced to never displease the regime again. This spectacle followed after the Guardian printed stories from whistleblower Edward Snowden on NSA (US National Security Agency) and GCHQ (Britain's equivalent body) mass surveillance of domestic populations.

Catalyst: A Techno-Liberation Thesis (book)

Since they were threatened into submission by the British regime, Guardian journalists and editors have taken a less critical view of foreign policy, portraying Western government authorities as morally superior and taking a jingoist anti-Russian stance on the Ukrainian conflict.

The clubof.info Blog

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5 January 2016

US incites global chaos: friend of Mont

The Blog The anticipated fourth commentary from Mont friend and writer L'Ordre, is now online and addresses the corresponding point in the Mont Order code. Like the other two articles, the L'Ordre commentary has been published to the widely circulated progressive newsletter Dissident Voice, where previous commentaries already address their points of the Order's code. Our earlier reports on the Mont Order code commentaries by L'Ordre: On the first point On the second point On the third point You can read the fourth commentary itself at the unofficial Mont Order website lordre.net, which is sometimes used by Mont members to post content. However, if you are low on time, the best items from the commentary offering unique judgments...
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Best reports from our club in 2015

The Blog Here is our blog's sometimes serious, sometimes comical journey in 2015, as told in some of our most powerful and popular tweets in the year just passed! If you're unable to browse through just now, follow us via Twitter @ClubOfInfo to be sure you receive all your future reports each week through 2016. Follow @ClubOfINFO This blog remained in operation throughout the whole of 2015, generating unique at least four alternate media reports a week for every week throughout 2015. Embedded below are selected tweets linking to articles that stood out on social media. "It’s the warmonger elite. They need and want a perpetual #war." - #MONT advisers http://t.co/a7AKOojB8I pic.twitter.com/XjTSlnIH9c— The clubof.info Blog (@ClubOfInfo) February...
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1 January 2016

Transhumanists welcome basic income

The Blog Britain's first Transhumanist Party has embraced an official study by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) that is in line with the Transhumanists' futuristic, far-seeing value system. The RSA study, titled "Creative  citizen, creative state: the principled and pragmatic case for a Universal Basic Income", is based on a full year's research and gives solid and realistic proposals of how to implement "basic income" in Britain. Although many could easily see basic income as merely another type of unemployment benefit, it is far from this. Basic income is the idea that not only unemployed people but all citizens, including workers, should receive a sum of money from the state merely for...
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Steve Topple on the future of media

The Blog Britain-based blogger Steve Topple reflected on his writing career so far and his views on the future of media, in a recent post. The following commentary offered is of great relevance to The clubof.info Blog's mission and readership: I do this because in the current political and socioeconomic climate we are barraged day in, day out, with lie after lie after lie – and I’m of the opinion that the more people out there shouting at the tops of their voices in any way they can to counter these lies can only be a good thing.Our mainstream media is corrupt – we all know that. Unfortunately, our “new media” (many of the sites you can find on Twitter)... are all (still) a Russell Group, self-serving chumocracy, albeit one which tows...
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High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally

If the US leaders wanted to wage a thermonuclear war that would destroy America and the world, we would not be here to talk about it. Presid...

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