The last L'Ordre commentary on the new code of the Mont Order is available, talking about "the power of information" and urging bloggers to exercise maximum independence.
Political parties and leaders create vulnerabilities in potentially strong movements and causes, while powerful institutions tend to play along with other power structures rather than remaining effective critics, the commentary states. It is advised that bloggers should not become defenders of some popular political figure or movement, but rather pursue an independent course in criticizing states, institutions and corporations.
Some political figures appear to be better than the others to many alternative media commentators and bloggers on the political sidelines, as Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and Bernie Sanders in the US may seem. However, it is important to stay aware that such politicians can create false hopes, disappointments, and ultimately discredit not just themselves but the people who had zealously supported them.
If they are a magnet for support and they actually get elected, they would only vacuum up the future attention of (former) dissident writers who could have spent their time better criticizing the established state and its unpopular policies.
Look into our five earlier reports on the Mont Order code commentaries below:
On the first point
On the second point
On the third point
On the fourth point
On the fifth and sixths points
The sixth commentary addresses only the seventh point in the Mont Order code, and aimed to declare the Mont Order's official neutrality in democratic political campaigns, debates and disputes. The Order, as stated in the quotes below, is completely invested in the power of online information and other circulating products of modern technology rather than political organizations and careers.
- "If alternative media simply tie themselves to political alternatives, such as Corbyn or Sanders, they are sacrificing themselves for these men and their political careers rather than seeking out their own type of power. The power of information, like the power of money, may, in fact, be greater than the power of politicians."
- "Someone who has squandered their credibility and the demographics of their readership by backing a political candidate will not be able to see the full extent of the power of information."
- "There is a tendency [in the youth] to instead support campaign issues [rather than political parties], as is enabled through internet searches and campaign groups dedicated specifically to these issues that can be found rapidly online."
- "While Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are icons of this organic campaign emerging from society, they are not leadership figures. They preside over no organization. And yet, if we look at those men and the issues associated with them, we see forces much greater than the political opposition parties in some countries."
- "They [political parties] need to win elections, whereas pressure groups can get what they want without capturing state power."
- "Politicians and parties are transitory as always, but the will to power – the will of the hungry and the oppressed to get what they need — is something that can crash through to the halls of power without ever declaring a formal organization at all."
- "People are bigger than their parties and their leaders, and should think bigger."
L'Ordre, "Nonpartisan Media Power", Dissident Voice, 19 January 2016
US accepts reality in the Persian Gulf?: The BlogConfusing and angering many American neocons, the American re... https://t.co/c8ilzJdj1J— The clubof.info Blog (@ClubOfInfo) January 19, 2016