15 January 2021

Monthly Review, Fri, 15 Jan 2021 12:40:49

On this day our choice of book is Jason Hirthler’s “The Sins of Empire” (https://t.co/GMzonxDbap). Sins is a truly astute non-fiction work, so if we’re going to declare our praises with certainty we’re incuding it on our lists. Here we reveal contributions that are truly hard-hitting in their understanding of the world. Before you leave our site, you’ve got to begin by reading how buyers reacted. According to a buyer, “This is an honest critique of this country’s disastrous foreign policy. Mr. Hirthler pulls no punches and takes no prisoners. He excoriates a sitting president along with many other politicians and media hacks. The author uses wit and sarcasm to make his points. While this reviewer may not embrace all of the author’s opinions, Mr. Hirthler challenges me to rethink my own.” If you’ve been kind enough to read the review we just showed you, you might as well go the whole way and search for a copy of the book yourself. If not, keep track of what’s next by subscribing for email updates.


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