These words are worth consideration: “Despite it being offensive, let us imagine a hypothesis that techno-liberation is undertaken to its most daring levels and yet something goes severely wrong with the technology in the process. There is no reason to think such an accident is avoidable at all, or would violate the spirit of history and humanity’s eternal will to power even if it is avoidable. Perhaps terrible things can be predicted to happen if techno-liberation is poisoned by lack of government regulation or care for the environment… Risk may become high only because the stakes are high, but the current system is dependent upon scarcity and upheld by suffering masses, so we can already know it is doomed to end one day. What happens to our most perilous emerging technologies, the nano machines and bio machines, when the economic system that gave rise to them collapses because of its own internal faults?” Humans are no pinnacle, just as modernity is no end.