31 March 2022
The Ghost of the Mother of Trusts
30 March 2022
Boris Johnson just lied about child poverty again at PMQs
29 March 2022
A disabled person’s furious response to the cost of living crisis points to a bigger issue
Family Matters Frustrate Attempts to Enforce Political Ethics
28 March 2022
Kiev’s War Crimes Against Russian POWs Discredit The US-Led West’s Cause
A Comparison of Who the New York Times Deems Worthy and Unworthy of Propping up
27 March 2022
Pakistan opposition colludes with West in regime change effort

The United States, United Kingdom and European Union are pushing for regime change in Islamabad at this time.
Western governments are bribing and weaponizing corrupt opposition figures against the government of PM Imran Khan, to oust him in the current no-confidence vote.
Representatives of the US, UK and EU have openly met with opposition figures willing to collude with them and make the country subservient to the West.
Opposition figures representing foreign interests
From what the Pakistani government has said, Western agents are successfully bringing in what the British and later the CIA called "King George's cavalry" - suitcases of cash - to bribe politicians willing to betray their country. Evidence of such funding, which has gone to various members of the National Assembly of Pakistan, is set to be provided soon by the government.
The current confrontation over the no-confidence vote represents a clash between the patriotic government of the PTI and the corrupt PPP and PMLN, whose only desire is to return to power even at the cost of their country's sovereignty.
West is seeking foreign policy compliance
Western interference seems to originate from dissatisfaction in the US government at Imran Khan's refusal to accommodate US military strike bases on his country's territory, with the corrupt opposition elements particularly complaining about this. Opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif has openly said that "Imran Khan should not have said 'Absolutely Not' to the US". Another area of dissatisfaction may be the government's refusal to side with EU countries in their condemnations of Russian military action in Ukraine (although this position is no different than any of Pakistan's neighbours, the West seemed to focus on Pakistan).
It seems that disloyal and corrupt opposition figures are signalling to their Western masters that they will unquestioningly obey, even at the cost of their own nation’s interests.
An ongoing rally in Islamabad has shown the significant support for Imran Khan within Pakistan, and he has remained confident that the people are on his side. In the view of many patriotic Pakistanis, corruption and foreign puppetry have gone hand in hand and the people deserve to be free of it.
- ClubOfInfo
Highlights From The Russian Defence Ministry’s Latest Briefing On Ukraine
26 March 2022
Global Food Shortages: How Does Your Garden (or Pantry) Grow?
23 March 2022
The Russia-Ukraine War
NHS workers have given Rishi Sunak a clear message
22 March 2022
GOP Senators’ Case Against Ketanji Brown Jackson: She Did Her Job
21 March 2022
Interpreting Pakistani Prime Minister Khan’s Praise For Indian Foreign Policy
19 March 2022
When The Press Tries to Hide or Discredit the Facts, It Discredits Itself Instead
18 March 2022
Energy bills: direct action looms with the #BigPowerOff
17 March 2022
Daylight Saving Time: Finally, Some Government Action I Can Get Behind
16 March 2022
It’s the Tories’ spring conference this weekend. Time to protest.
15 March 2022
The Importance Of Neutrality In The New Cold War
Rand Paul’s Solution to Anthony Fauci: Three More Anthony Faucis
14 March 2022
High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally
If the US leaders wanted to wage a thermonuclear war that would destroy America and the world, we would not be here to talk about it. President Biden has explicitly ruled out a direct confrontation with Russia, no matter what happens in Ukraine.
However, there are disturbing indications that some individuals in high places in the US (or representing the thinking of many in such high places) are okay with a nuclear war that will destroy the United States, or in fact are encouraging such a war.
A "no fly zone" of death would expand across the globe instantly
Imposing a no-fly zone in Ukraine will trigger a third world war because it will require targeting Russian airfields, radar and defense systems on Russian territory with American missiles. Russian defenses have vast ranges that prohibit the use of US aircraft over Ukraine. Russian weapons can also easily reach all American airfields in Europe that would be involved in any such operation. The vastness of the Russian military means that the US would have to launch a devastating attack on Russia to neutralise all the threats to US planes as they attack the Russians. Russia would invariably respond by attacking US airfields in turn, and very quickly targeting the US mainland and cities in response to its own territory being attacked by America.
Despite this, there are calls from seemingly well-qualified individuals to go ahead and start this suicidal conflict anyway.
Here are just three examples. There are no doubt others, possibly more influential, but these are just picked at random for being prominent examples of Anglo-American leadership on both sides of the Atlantic.
General Philip Breedlove
This man is no crank. Breedlove is a US general and the former supreme military commander of NATO (Supreme Allied Commander Europe, or SACEUR). He has explictly pleaded, "How many casualties does it take before we take a different approach to this war?" While this may simply seem like a stupid remark, based on emotion, this man is trained and competent enough to be fully aware that what he is advocating will entail killing not just everyone in Ukraine but everyone in Russia, Europe and North America too. Why, then, is he advocating it?
Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham, an influential and powerful US senator, has stated that the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine (which he will only blame on Russia) will make the moral case to forget about the risk of nuclear war and begin attacking the Russians. He is also too well-informed in briefings to be unaware that his suggestion to start a world war against Russia would kill far more people than a chemical attack and would quickly kill everyone in the United States and Russia under the fire of hydrogen bombs.
Jonathan Powell
The former Downing Street Chief of Staff under Tony Blair from 1997-2007 has advocated against "appeasement" and argued for launching a war on the Russians if they use a chemical weapon in Ukraine. He cites the example of Syria and the need to take a firmer moral stand (apparently that will do a whole lot of good when we are all skeletons). He is advocating this despite the fact that Western governments were never even fully confident that Syria used chemical weapons, and they bombed Syria merely because of intelligence assessments stating it was "likely". Apparently, we will be very impatient to immolate ourselves and not bother to wait for any investigation in Ukraine, too.
As horrifying as the pictures may have been, the use of chemical weapons in Syria barely killed anyone and had little to no effect on the battlefield other than prompting Western strikes. More people died from knives in Syria. The nuclear exchange that would be guaranteed by attacking Russia on such a flimsy, emotionally manipulative pretext about "chemicals" would kill almost everyone in Ukraine, and then kill almost everyone in both the West and Russia. Apparently, politicians don't see a moral issue with the scenario of mass immolation of people, followed by the larger group of us whose skin will melt and their eyeballs will fall out, followed by another percentarge who will be vomiting blood. No, these scenes don't worry them; they are just worried about the "chemicals" and the idea of people choking, such that they think it is worth risking the nuclear scenario.
These interventionist leaders we are talking about may be insane, but the unique mental health problems of those with power are less important to talk about than the need to stop them.
Who will stop these men?
The answer is... currently serving American officers and generals, who want their troops to live, and probably want their families to survive too.
It should be observed that military experts and officials tend to always warn against what will cause a nuclear war, as happened in Syria. Here we are again, and the same kind of "hawks" are trying to impose a situation where deescalation could become too difficult for the military personnel tasked with a nation's safety, as if the politicians had reached out and ripped the brakes from your car to make sure you crash.
Getting closer and closer to Russia and trying to enforce the US's will closer and closer to them potentially creates an ever more uncontrollable and unpredictable series of conflicts between the US and Russia that make it almost impossible for troops to avoid a nuclear war, even if they have the maximum will to avoid one.
Being responsible for a larger population, if the US gets into a nuclear war with Russia, it will suddenly make the world record for being the country with the biggest piles of dead bodies in human history. Every American officer and general's family will most likely perish, meaning that they have utterly failed not only in their duty as a soldier but even as a human being.
The only solution can be that American officers must continuously resist the pressure of politicians to put them in a situation of nuclear escalation that they cannot escape. Finally, if American officers are unable to prevent themselves being put in that situation, it would become their duty to preserve their country by, in the worst case scenario, mutiny. One should be prepared, privately, to kill their own political leaders and seize control of the government, even at grave risk to their own lives, if the alternative is to obey orders that will directly lead to nuclear war.
- ClubOfInfo
13 March 2022
Biden’s Latest Excuse for Inflationary Monetary Policy: Blame Putin
Who’s Really Plotting A Chemical Weapons False Flag In Ukraine: Moscow Or Kiev?
11 March 2022
Here’s all the news the Tories would prefer you missed
10 March 2022
Elizabeth Warren’s Solution to Every Problem: Put Elizabeth Warren in Charge
8 March 2022
The DWP is set to essentially cut £10bn from people’s benefits
Putin’s Alleged “Kill Lists”: Evil, but Not Unusual
Ukraine’s US-Backed Bioweapons Program: Bogus Or Believable?
7 March 2022
An Ill Informed Anti-war Movement Bodes Ill
The Concept of Human Rights in Islam – Part 3
6 March 2022
Support Sanctions on Russian Oil? Don’t Complain About High Gas Prices
4 March 2022
CNN Is Leading People To Their Doom By Promoting Mercenary Propaganda For Ukraine
3 March 2022
Inflation Whips Labor
A Labour council is ‘torturing’ a disabled man by threatening to evict him
2 March 2022
Three ways for Russia to punish the West
Due to the ongoing operation to eliminate radical anti-Russian nationalists in Ukraine, Russia is under pressure unseen since the Axis powers attacked its territory in the Second World War. The following are three decisive methods the Russian government could consider, to severely punish the NATO countries.
1. Proxy war in Ukraine
Americans have already taken the lead in making a European proxy war possible, suggesting the supply of armaments to rebels and foreign volunteers who are expected to arrive in Ukraine. They want to copy the success of foreign fighters in Afghanistan during the 1980s, believing only the Russians will suffer from this policy, but Europe could be more at risk itself. After all, this "Afghanistan" would be in Europe, and Ukraine already has a problem with armed neo-Nazis.
In fact, NATO has more reason to fear this scenario of a failed state in Ukraine than Russia.
Unlike Afghanistan, Russians are natives of this area, with large populations and families supporting Russia in parts of Ukraine. They will not be withdrawing like the Soviet Army. Returned to Russian protection, they could contribute to a strong buffer zone of sympathetic forces to help secure Russia's Ukrainian frontier. There is already the Donetsk People's Republic, DPR, and Lugansk People's Republic, LPR, able to provide Russia with mutual security against Western nationalist proxies in Ukraine. Russia could be restrictive about travel from Ukraine to Russia, but the European Union would never be so strict, having opened its doors to Ukrainian exiles and aided their travels. If Ukraine becomes a ruined failed state, filled with protracted warfare and resentment, home to many shadowy groups including local Russian proxies, Russia would be able to use Ukraine to threaten Europe, while enjoying security itself. The inevitable blockback of weapons and radical ideas into Europe from a European repeat of Afghanistan could be uncontrollable, and may result in armed insurgents seizing cities across Europe and spreading civil war and chaos. We must remember that the foreign fighters of the Afghan jihad set about trying to topple the local regimes after they returned home, for example in Algeria, being convinced of their just cause. Foreign fighters who are radicalised in Ukraine would be returning to places like Berlin and Paris.
2. Impounding ships
Russia encompasses a huge amount of land with a vast coastline, meaning potential dominance at key shipping routes, especially those icy seas along its north. It possesses a powerful navy and air forces, more than enough to interdict shipping. In retaliation for sanctions, Russia could impound all cargo ships and tankers it encounters if they belong to the countries carrying out sanctions on Russia, taking their cargo as compensation. The US already did this to Iran, and France even was bold enough to do this to Russia itself. The occasional disappearance of a tanker could produce negative economic effects and denying them passage could be just as disruptive.
With the French declaring "total economic and financial war on Russia", Russia has no reason to let any French cargo ship pass if it can intercept it. An even more aggressive option is for Russian navy vessels to actively hunt, intercept and board all vulnerable ships of the European Union and throw their cargo overboard, destroying the goods (unless they contain things that are extra valuable, such as gold!)
European countries could retaliate in a number of ways, but they would likely be too costly. Freight shipping is a notoriously cost-averse business, maintaining ageing ships often of dubious quality and crews on fairly minimal salaries, so it seems unlikely that warshups will be used for this task or assigned for protection in peacetime.
3. Turning off the gas to Europe
Russia can simply turn off the gas to Germany and instead supply its gas to China and other Asian countries. If done in combination with delaying, diverting or seizing US LNG shipments bound for Europe, this could be catastrophic to European economies, forcing them to shut down industry and even fail to keep their citizens warm.
Owing to its size and resources, Russia has proved to be invulnerable in many ways as a country, and numerous alliances have shattered when trying to take this country on.
- ClubOfInfo
The Hypocrisy and Immorality of Sanctions
Reasons Behind India And Pakistan’s Neutrality In The New Cold War
1 March 2022
Ukraine's desperate onslaught of fakes
Russia has been carrying out various crossborder military actions in Ukraine, referring to it as a "special military operation", causing rage in NATO governments that hoped for Ukraine's accession and hysteria among passive worldwide audiences.
Critical thinking has diminished, as people graze like cattle upon the news brought to them on their television screens or social media feeds and only react to what is put in front of them by someone else. Nobody takes the initiative to actually investigate things or seek out the different views, to see who is lying by falsehood or by omission.
Russia has no stated aim of occupying Ukraine, despite the obvious violations of its sovereignty. This is supported by the fact that plenty of images and videos show Russian troops leaving civilians unmolested (but not necessarily without being molested by them!) They have no interest in the Ukrainian population, other than to leave them alone.
polite invasion
— Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast) February 28, 2022
Nevertheless, Ukraine portrayed the affair as a valiant struggle of the people for their dignity against occupation by cruel Russians.
The immense hostility towards the polite, passing Russian personnel is likely the result of the near-total control of the "narrative" by Western, pro-Ukraine media outlets hoping to portray the Russian operation as a cruel occupation, a genocide, and a defeat all at once (this combination of alleged superhuman power and yet simultaneously subhuman ineptitude is typical of the most vicious propaganda and a telltale sign of it). They cite the lack of destruction Russia is causing as proof of military ineptitude, coupled with evil. We have seen almost everyone here in the West uniting fully against Russia.
As you consider this, consider also the evidence that many Russians (including the invading troops) have Ukrainian family members mixed in the action, meaning they have absolutely no reason to want to kill the population. This turns the entire invasion and atrocity narrative on its head and reveals how ridiculous the international response led by Kiev and Washington actually is.
I have relatives who saw it with their own eyes (across the street)and have just confirmed that the explosion occurred outside the building (not the building itself), that Azov was indeed there, and as far as they know no civilian deaths or injuries.
— маша (@MKollontai69) March 1, 2022
The Russians seem to do everything they can to warn civilians to step away, and only show an interest in destroying elements of infrastructure that hinder their mission. The Ukrainian authorities can be observed in real time refusing to take any action to minimise civilian casualties and instead letting everyone stay in the path ofairstrikes, and tell civilians with no military expertise to undertake suicidal actions against Russian forces, with gory results recorded later. As such, every indication seems to be that the Kiev government wants as many dead civilian bodies as possible in Ukraine.
Despite calls for war crimes investigations against Russia already, we have no clear understanding about the civilian death toll, and a lot of what we are shown is fake.
maybe — just maybe — not as many russian tanks have been destroyed by ukrainian teenagers as you have been led to believe
— Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast) March 1, 2022
If you ask someone in the UK what's so bad about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they will cite one of these fakes as their reason. They cannot be blamed, as they do not know better. This is more the case now that the West is resorting to suffocating and banning Russian news networks like RT, an act that inadvertently gives Russia the right to cut all Western broadcasts in Russia in turn.
2/ A video claiming to show a missile being fired toward a residential area in Kyiv by a Russian low-flying jet is likely a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter.
— Russian American Daily (@RussiaUSA) February 26, 2022
Rob Lee 1:
Rob Lee 2:
Michael Kofman:
5/ Another incorrectly labelled clip on Twitter claims to be of a Russian airstrike on Ukraine "that caused a chain reaction at the Luhansk power plant." The video actually shows footage of 2015 Tianjin blasts in China.
— Russian American Daily (@RussiaUSA) February 26, 2022
7/ Video of Ukrainian troops "facing off" with Russian soldiers at an airbase. While it does show a confrontation between Ukrainian and Russian forces, the footage is from 2014.
— Russian American Daily (@RussiaUSA) February 26, 2022
9/ A photo of Russian troops hoisting a flag on a public building in Kharkiv, Ukraine. While the caption is correct - the event took place in 2014, during an earlier period of unrest.
— Russian American Daily (@RussiaUSA) February 26, 2022
It may seem that wild media reporting, exaggerations and fakes would serve no purpose in a combat situation. However, it does. Reports clearly show that some gatherings of the population in Ukraine are quite confrontational and hostile to the Russians, even when the Russians show absolutely no interest in them or try to stay away from them, to keep them safe.15/ The heroic tale of Ukrainian guards on Snake Island was viewed by millions. But a Russian MoD statement and video of the entire Snake Island garrison (83 men) surrendering to Russian forces cast doubt on Kiev's narrative. Link to video:
— Russian American Daily (@RussiaUSA) February 26, 2022
Even the vaunted videos of Ukrainian civilians cursing Russian soldiers don't seem to show the latter raising a weapon. Comparatively, there are numerous videos showing Ukrainians killing one another, shooting civilians at checkpoints, and having firefights against each other in Kiev because of rumours about Russians dressing up as civilians and Ukrainian soldiers.
Realising the hold that bloodthirsty Ukrainian and Western propaganda has over many residents of the areas they are operating in and how this is causing civilians to endanger themselves, Russian forces have done limited strikes on the infrastructure responsible for creating and broadcasting the fake information to support the Ukrainian war effort.
Bear in mind that the Russian side has no doubt created fake information as well, but the above is so clearly incriminating that it leaves no doubt that Ukraine is the worse of the two. People who profess to stand with Ukraine in the conflict would do well to consider their desperation to involve other countries in their predicament and to mislead people into traveling to Ukraine to fight for them in their interethnic conflict.
The duping of many people to believe Ukraine is a heroic and innocent nation resisting some exceptional evil that must be fought, is the result of people being passive viewers of information on conflict zones, with no access to a comprehensive breakdown of the world's conflicts and their root. All is based on omission.
- ClubOfInfo
The West’s SWIFT Kick is Aimed at Russia, But it Will Also Hit the US Dollar
High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally
If the US leaders wanted to wage a thermonuclear war that would destroy America and the world, we would not be here to talk about it. Presid...