30 August 2024

Tax On “Unrealized” Gains: Weird, Evil, and Stupid, But No Different In Principle

According to an Agence France-Presse “fact check,” social media posts slamming Kamala Harris’s plan to tax “unrealized” capital gains are “mostly false” — not because they lie about the fundamental premise, but because the new tax would only hit “households with a net worth of at least $100 million, or an estimated 0.01 percent of … Continue reading Tax On “Unrealized” Gains: Weird, Evil, and Stupid, But No Different In Principle → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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27 August 2024

Electing Trump Probably Wouldn’t Get Us Any Closer to the Truth About the JFK Assassination

When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dropped out of the US presidential race and endorsed the Republican nominee, former president Donald Trump, on August 23, his first reward was a promise: If elected, Axios reports, Trump say he will “establish an independent presidential commission on assassination attempts” and “task the commission with releasing all of the … Continue reading Electing Trump Probably Wouldn’t Get Us Any Closer to the Truth About the JFK Assassination → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Dajjal In Israel: False Messiah (The Anti-Christ) Is Coming – Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Dajjal In Israel: False Messiah (The Anti-Christ) Is Coming Sheikh Imran N. Hosein The Way Forward For Gaza – Sheikh Imran N. Hosein Yajuj And Majuj (Gog And Magog) In Gaza – Sheikh Imran N. Hosein    - Voice of East

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24 August 2024

RFK Jr. Was Never Really The Alternative He Pretended To Be

On April 19, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. launched his long-shot presidential bid as a Democrat. On October 9, 2023, he declared himself an “independent” and began courting (and in some states, creating) “third parties” for their nominations. He received 19 votes for the Libertarian Party’s nomination at its 2024 national convention over Labor Day … Continue reading RFK Jr. Was Never Really The Alternative He Pretended To Be → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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An Open Letter To Honourable Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia

An Open Letter To Honourable Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai The Ummah is exceptionally grateful for your unwearied efforts in advancing the cause of Palestine for the last more than five decades. You have... Read More › - Voice of East

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22 August 2024

Cuban Missile Crisis Like Episode On The Way, This Time In Germany

Cuban Missile Crisis Like Episode On The Way, This Time In Germany By Uriel Araujo Beyond economic suicide, Europe is now placing itself at risk, militarily. With the deployment of American nuclear warheads to Germany, the world becomes a less safe... Read More › - Voice of East

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21 August 2024

Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorist Troops Might Stay In Somalia Even If Mogadishu Demands Their Departure

Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorist Troops Might Stay In Somalia Even If Mogadishu Demands Their Departure By Andrew Korybko Somalia is trying to become to Ethiopia what Ukraine is to Russia. Sputnik reported that Ethiopian Ministry Affairs spokesman Nebiya Tedla declared on Sunday that... Read More › - Voice of East

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20 August 2024

Harris’s Economic Pitch: More Expensive Houses With Less In Their Pantries

As Democrats whoop it up at their somewhat vestigial (they’ve already nominated Kamala Harris for president in a “virtual vote”) national convention in Chicago, they seem relatively enthused by her economic platform — far more enthused than American consumers will be with its results if implemented. Two features in particular stand out for their combination … Continue reading Harris’s Economic Pitch: More Expensive Houses With Less In Their Pantries → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Why’s Poland Reopening Its Investigation Into The Post-War Resettlement Of Ethnic Ukrainians?

Why’s Poland Reopening Its Investigation Into The Post-War Resettlement Of Ethnic Ukrainians? By Andrew Korybko This might have been done upon Ukraine’s demand as part of their newly clinched security pact’s requirement for standardizing historical narratives. The Warsaw District Court recently ordered... Read More › - Voice of East

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The supposed free-press UK just held Richard Medhurst under counter-terror laws

Independent journalist Richard Medhurst was detained for 24 hours by cops at Heathrow airport under counter-terrorism laws – presumably, he believes, for his reporting on Israel and Gaza. Richard Medhurst: detained by cops Richard Medhurst posted a video on social media explaining the situation. He said that on Thursday 15 August he was escorted off […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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17 August 2024

Vote? Sure, Why Not? Just Don’t Expect Results.

“If voting could change anything,” Robert S. Borden wrote in 1976,  “it would be made illegal.” That’s just one variation of a claim enjoying continuous popularity — and common  misattributions to Mark Twain, Phillip Berrigan, Emma Goldman and others — among the politics-skeptical commentariat. It’s popular because it embodies a self-evident truth. Libertarian podcaster Tom … Continue reading Vote? Sure, Why Not? Just Don’t Expect Results. → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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16 August 2024

Kazakhstan’s Ambitious Regionalization Vision Presents Obstacles And Opportunities For Russia

Kazakhstan’s Ambitious Regionalization Vision Presents Obstacles And Opportunities For Russia By Andrew Korybko Trilateral Russian-Iranian-Indian cooperation could gently balance Turkiye’s rapidly expanding influence in Central Asia. Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev shared an ambitious regionalization vision in his de facto manifesto earlier... Read More › - Voice of East

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It’s now the ‘Filton10’, as the state charges three more Palestine Action activists

The state is further punishing Palestine Action activists for standing up to Elbit Systems’ complicity in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. Palestine Action: the state abusing the law Three more Palestine Action activists are charged with aggravated burglary and criminal damage allegedly in connection to an action against Elbit Systems UK on Tuesday 6 August. […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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15 August 2024

Global Warming: If The Choice Is Between Block And Bake, Bake May Win

“On its current trajectory,”  Craig Martin & Scott Moore write at Foreign Affairs, “the world is unlikely to meet the limits it set for itself in the 2015 Paris Agreement to halt global warming. … As this reality sets in, once fringe ideas about how to artificially cool the planet are gaining traction. One such … Continue reading Global Warming: If The Choice Is Between Block And Bake, Bake May Win → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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14 August 2024

Analysing Putin’s Assessment Of Ukraine’s Incursion Into Kursk

Analysing Putin’s Assessment Of Ukraine’s Incursion Into Kursk By Andrew Korybko By officially regarding the latest cross-border incursion as an act of terrorism instead of a military invasion, Putin signalled that he’s holding off on diverting forces from the Donbass front,... Read More › - Voice of East

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13 August 2024

Election 2024: A Step Back From The Permanent Campaign?

“What if our campaigns were much, much shorter?” Ben Smith asks at Semafor. “The presidential campaign is currently a two-year cycle, which begins just after the prior midterm elections. … [Kamala] Harris is accidentally demonstrating the alternative: She’s the hot new thing in August, riding on vibes and goodwill six months after the Super Tuesday peak … Continue reading Election 2024: A Step Back From The Permanent Campaign? → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Veolia got £4.2bn from UK privatisation, gives CEO £3m – but a worker can’t accept a £3k holiday?

Veolia, the private sector outsourcing giant that’s gobbled up huge swathes of local authority privatised contracts, is at the centre of a growing storm over the treatment of one of its workers. Of course, the company probably doesn’t care less – as it’s bled the public purse dry of billions over the years, while its […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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12 August 2024

Let Justice Prevail For Yasin Malik, One Of The Most Recognizable Leaders Of Kashmiri Resistance Movement

Let Justice Prevail For Yasin Malik, One Of The Most Recognizable Leaders Of Kashmiri Resistance Movement By Our Special Correspondent Washington, D.C. – On August 8. 2024, one of the most recognizable leaders of Kashmiri resistance movement, Mohammad Yasin Malik,... Read More › - Voice of East

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11 August 2024

India And Israel Have Been Committing Crimes Against Humanity For The Last 76 Years: Senator Lee Rhiannon

India And Israel Have Been Committing Crimes Against Humanity For The Last 76 Years: Senator Lee Rhiannon By Our Special Correspondent Let us work globally to help Kashmiris achieve freedom: Senator Lee Rhiannon Sydney, Australia – “Both India and Israel... Read More › - Voice of East

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10 August 2024

Should We Obey Bad Laws?

A guest on Judging Freedom, Dr Gilbert Doctorow, took a contrarian stance to Scott Ritter’s journalism work on Russia, which seemingly aligns Doctorow’s stance with the official government stance. Doctorow accused Ritter (starting about 21:30) of stomping across redlines that any person familiar with Russia should have been aware of. Doctorow didn’t specifically state what […]
The post Should We Obey Bad Laws? first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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9 August 2024

Here we… here we… here we f*cking go! Jeremy Corbyn starting a new party?

So, after four and a half years it’s finally happened: Jeremy Corbyn is potentially forming his own party – kind of – with fellow independent MPs Shockat Adam, Ayoub Khan, Adnan Hussain, and Iqbal Mohamed. Independents for Change? Independent Change? Change Independents? As BBC News reported, Jeremy Corbyn: is in talks with four other independent […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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8 August 2024

On Being a Patriot

Journalist and political analyst Caleb Maupin put out a video “Scott Ritter’s home raided by the FBI.” Maupin affirmed his solidarity with Ritter, a staunch opponent of US militaristic support for Ukraine and Israel. Ritter’s anti-imperialist stand is nothing new. He first came to wider attention with his opposition to US plans to attack Iraq […]
The post On Being a Patriot first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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Enough With The “Stolen Valor” Whining Already

Ah, the tempest teapot of vice-presidential campaigns: Republican veep nominee JD Vance, Senator from Ohio, accuses Democratic veep nominee apparent Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, of engaging in “stolen valor garbage.” Vance’s allegations seem to involve three components: First, that Walz retired from the National Guard after 24 years in infantry and artillery jobs, instead … Continue reading Enough With The “Stolen Valor” Whining Already → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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6 August 2024

When Unions Learn From Failure

As Americans take August to process the presidential race upheavals of July, the most consequential may prove to be a union leader garnering wild cheers for declaring that “the biggest recipients of welfare in this country are corporations … we must put workers first!” In the twentieth century, such campaign rhetoric was heard of only … Continue reading When Unions Learn From Failure → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Thames Water’s “record-breaking” fine is just 66% of its annual PROFITS alone

The water regulator Ofwat has announced a “record” fine for notorious Thames Water – for illegal sewage leaks, spills, and dumping. Of course, it’s unlikely to bother the toxic water company, as the £104m fine is just 66% of its annual profits last year – never mind what it paid to shareholders. Ofwat: ‘record fines’ […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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5 August 2024

Kashmiris Oppose Foreign Occupation, Demand Self-Determination

Kashmiris Oppose Foreign Occupation, Demand Self-Determination By Our Special Correspondent New York – Braving thundershower, a large number of Kashmiri-Americans – men, women and children –  and their allies Sunday staged a demonstration at New York’s historic Times Square to denounce... Read More › - Voice of East

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MSM and politicians shamed themselves beyond redemption this weekend

As far-right, racist, and Islamophobic race riots broke out across the UK, corporate media and politicians were making sure we all knew about them – but just not exactly what they were. Because there was a concerted effort by all involved to obscure the fact that these were indeed far-right, racist, and Islamophobic riots, pogroms, […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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3 August 2024

The Imperial Presidency: From Gitmo to Trump v. US and back again

On July 31, retired brigadier general Susan K. Escallier signed a pretrial agreement under which Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak bin Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al-Hawsawi would have pleaded guilty to various roles in the terror attacks of 9/11 in return for sentences of life imprisonment rather than the death penalty. On August 1, bending … Continue reading The Imperial Presidency: From Gitmo to Trump v. US and back again → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Is Zelensky’s Chief Of Staff The Last Obstacle To Peace With Russia?

Is Zelensky’s Chief Of Staff The Last Obstacle To Peace With Russia? By Andrew Korybko Bloomberg’s hit piece against Andrey Yermak suggests that the US at the very least wants to reduce his influence over Zelensky, likely with a view towards... Read More › - Voice of East

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2 August 2024

Five Takeaways From The Historic Prisoner Swap Between The West And Russia

Five Takeaways From The Historic Prisoner Swap Between The West And Russia By Andrew Korybko This swap represents a rare example of successful New Cold War diplomacy. Russia and the West exchanged 24 prisoners on Thursday in the largest such swap... Read More › - Voice of East

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1 August 2024

Solidarity as a Monolith of Love against Zionist Evil

Jews are not a monolith. There are plenty of Jews who abhor the racism and violence of the Zionist faction of Jewry. Yet, many uninformed people consider Zionism to express the ethos of Jewishness. And it is clear that Israeli Jews are overwhelmingly supportive of Zionism. (See “Israeli Views of the Israel-Hamas War, “Polls Show […]
The post Solidarity as a Monolith of Love against Zionist Evil first appeared on Dissident Voice. - Kim Petersen

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National Debt: Their Plan Is Keynes’s “Long Run”

Thirty-five trillion. Wow, that’s a really, really big number — big enough that it deserves my exploitation of it as the entire opening paragraph of this column. OK, so add “dollars” after that really, really big number if you must, or put a dollar sign before it, as in “on July 26, the US national … Continue reading National Debt: Their Plan Is Keynes’s “Long Run” → - by Thomas L. Knapp

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Paid APC stooges infiltrate #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria protests as cops use live ammo

Nigeria’s security forces on Thursday 1 August used live ammunition and tear gas to break up #EndBadGovernanceInNigeria protesters as thousands joined rallies across the country against the high cost of living – but ultimately, the government too. However, allegedly paid APC stooges also showed up with anti-protest protests. Nigeria: people have had enough Africa’s most […]

By Steve Topple - Steve Topple

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Here’s What’s Likely To Follow The Tuaregs’ Devastating Ambush Of Wagner In Mali

Here’s What’s Likely To Follow The Tuaregs’ Devastating Ambush Of Wagner In Mali By Andrew Korybko The Tuareg Conflict is now considered to be the New Cold War’s latest proxy war. Russia’s rebranded Wagner suffered a devastating ambush by Tuareg rebels... Read More › - Voice of East

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High-ranking psychopaths are pushing for a nuclear war with Russia, seemingly intentionally

If the US leaders wanted to wage a thermonuclear war that would destroy America and the world, we would not be here to talk about it. Presid...

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